The Jingle Bell Cup, hosted by the Ridge Meadows Racers, welcomed the Mission Racers Speed Skating club for a thrilling day of competition amidst the holiday cheer. As the third of the four part Fraser Valley Series, racers from across the valley and province were there to compete. The rink buzzed with excitement, fueled by festive holiday tunes and sweet holiday treats. The Mission Racers’ own Nora and Samaira laced up their skates ready to carve their way through the competition; both achieved new personal best times.
However, beyond the pursuit of victory, the Jingle Bell Cup embodied the true essence of the speed skating. It was a day where competition intertwined with camaraderie. Nora, Samaira, and their fellow skaters enjoyed an exciting day of races and making memories and friendships that will extend far beyond the ice rink.